February 24, 2012

Picture Wonderland

I must admit I am finding this blogging thing a bit hard!

I know there are others out there too who are having a bit of blogging block, what it is all about? I've decided to blog about stuff, not just little luv stuff but stuff. Oh stuff it I said!

Anyway, tonight I just thought I would write a little bit about some things that keep popping into my head this week.

I had a lovely visit from a new friend of mine this arvo, who has travelled extensively in the past. I have a bit too, and love hearing travel stories! It is amazing how your mind suddenly wanders, and you think about past trips, past loves...

I love travel. Full stop. I love everything about it. I love experiencing the new. Tasting the new. Smelling the new. Seeing the new. Immersing myself in the new. Sometimes travel is bloody hard work, but that makes it so incredible.

Many people don't know that I have had a book published. It was many moons ago now, and was in conjunction with a photographer friend who lives in London. I worked in the Australian wine industry at the time, and it is a coffee-table book of a collection of his photos.

I love photography. Full stop. Oh yes. It has really hit me recently that I really love it. Love taking pics. Love seeing other people's pics, especially people I know personally. I would have loved those 'slide nights' that were popular in the 70's! The perfect guest!

Here is a little collection of pics I found tonight in my own personal album. Watch this space. A project is brewing - and I'm feeling excited...!

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